Whole House Retrofit

In its simplest form Whole House Retrofit is a complete package of energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements for your home.  Treating the property at one time ensures that these improvements are completed in the best possible order taking a ‘fabric first approach’, known more commonly as insulating your home, to reduce any heat demand before further renewable energy upgrades are completed. This approach minimises the period of disruption for the householder, rather than multiple visits over a longer period.

Aran can provide a Retrofit Assessment that can help you determine the potential improvements to achieve the maximum benefit and this visit also looks at air quality and ventilation requirements of the home.

Your Whole House Retrofit service with Aran will include any grant funding advice allowing you to achieve best value for your package of works.

Whole House Retrofit may include Loft Insulation, Room In Roof Insulation, Flat Roof Insulation, Cavity Wall or Solid Wall Insulation, Mechanical and Passive Ventilation, Air Source Heat Pumps and Solar PV.

If you’re ready to take the step to Whole House Retrofit and a low energy future contact us to arrange your Retrofit Assessment. 

If Whole House Retrofit is not suitable for you at this time, then we can help you plan your individual improvements to best support your journey to a more efficient home and maximise any grant funding available to you at each stage.